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    ManySplendid specializes in providing, "quantitative precipitation and flood forecasting," "hydrology and hydrological model software development," "diagnosis and analysis of meteorological and hydrological data," "water resources engineering planning and design," and "AI Massive Data Analysis and GPU High-speed Parallel Computing."
    Most advanced countries around the world have specialized institutions for research and development that help with the establishment of the systems to work on the above challenges. However, advanced countries are mostly located in temperate climates and do not possess climate conditions similar to Taiwan’s, which is subtropical and tropical. Taiwan’s climate is vastly different.Case studies in Taiwan are conducted, but the results are difficult to put into practice, and the domestic industry does not have the ability to undertake relevant academic research and study the results for practical applications.
    Manysplendid’s primary goal is to make a model of Taiwan's extreme meteorological and hydrological conditions and develop a flood prevention warning system and meteorological statistical analysis capabilities for use forecasting in a variety of climatic conditions. In addition to providing services for direct application by government authorities, we also provide information for public use. We are actively looking to export the aforementioned services internationally to help countries in need.